所在地: |
G-38 Hefu Commercial Zone, Shengze Town, Wujiang City, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China
产品说明: |
We required the following items:
1. Plastic Curtain Rings, 13colors, each color 1000pieces
Size: 3.5cm inner, 5.5couter), the 0.8 thicknesse
2. Metal Curtain Rod with accesories: Metal Curtain Rod - tickness 16 mm, 6 metters/bar, 10pieces/colour(that means 60 metters/colour). Curtain rod final: 10 kinds: 10pairs of each kind/colour. I attached pictures with this 10 kinds(types). It dont have to be identical, there are just for example. Curtain Metal rings, 600 pieces/colour. I attached the picture. Plastic and metal rings are the same shape and the samew size. The size dont have to be identical, but close. Curtain plastic rings, 600 pieces/colour. Curtain plastic hook, 2500 pices-colorless. I attached picture. The size and shape dont have to be identical, but close. Simple brackets 60 pices/color. I attache picture. Double brackets 60 pieces/colour. I attached picture. The quantities could be a little more, depanding the way of packaging. The colours are 4: Black, Silver, Gold and Black-Gold, like in the pictures of curtain rod final.
Metal Curtain rod - tickness 16mm, 6 metters/bar 10pieces/colour (that means 60 metters/colour).
Curtain rod final 10 models, 10 pairs/eve